Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 1: Your year in photos

We received a new digital camera (Canon EOS Rebel T3) for Christmas last December 25th. As of this morning (December 2nd), I've taken (with the help of Arjan, and a few others) over 8400 photos this year. There isn't an easy way to sum up and entire year that included the birth of Natasha (February 2nd) all the way through her turning 10 months old (today); as well as the amazing growth of my business and the students and participants in my business. To quickly try to get it all - here are two photos from Certified Networker graduation events. These were almost bookends to the year with on on January 5th and one on October 18th. In between are two photos from a local photographer (Dede Hatch) of Arjan, Natasha, and me. The three of us in one photo is rare. So that's the year (and 1 month to go!).

Small Box Challenge: 31 days, 31 posts

I decided to take the Small Box Challenge with the Think Kit which is a daily prompt for a daily blog. The Goal is a blog a day for the entire month of December. My friend (and Referral Institute colleague) Hazel M. Walker turned me on to this idea.

I haven't been writing about anything as much as I would really like to. The Think Kit posts a prompt - I'll try  to use that. This is the prompt for December 1st:

Dec 1: Your year in photos
Did one photo encapsulate your year? Maybe it takes a gallery. Go out and take a new one that represents your year if you need to. Let's see those photos.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Why All BNI Members Should Attend Leadership Team Training

I'm a member of a local BNI Chapter here in Ithaca (The BNI Thumbs Up Chapter). BNI is unique because it offers structure, commitment, and training as part of their weekly program.

One level of training is called "Leadership Training" and while there is a focus on helping a few members learn how to run the chapter, it is setup for all members. Here are a few reasons why all BNI Members should attend leadership team training (every 6 months).

  • BNI training preserves the system and the culture, it keeps chapters from making the same errors over and over again.
  • Training is how we pass along this wisdom to leaders and members so they can avoid having to learn the hard way.
  • BNI Leadership Training is about how to lead a chapter effectively.  And the concepts can be used at BNI and transferred to other areas of our lives.  BNI training contains ideas and tips that can help lead any group effectively.
  • You cannot expect great results from anyone without providing guidance and training on what the expectations of the organization are. 
  • BNI adds ideas and material all the time. The manuals are updated and revised with almost every Leadership Team training. The system is constantly being improved.
  • Education is one of the core competencies of this organization. It is one of the things that sets BNI aside from other networking organizations and it is absolutely an important element in the success and wild growth the company has seen world-wide. 
  • BNI works when people know the system and understand how to implement it. Don’t accept anything less! BNI without a trained Leadership Team is “BNI-Light.” So, if you ever hear someone in your group who wants to be on the Leadership Team but doesn’t want to go through the training – give them this article and tell them you want a “trained” pilot to fly your plane! 

Ivan Misner's List of Benefits:
1. Gain valuable contacts with other members of Leadership Teams whom you can call for info or to bounce ideas off of-
2. Learn the responsibilities of your Leadership Team role
3. Learn common errors and how to prevent them
4. Get your specific questions answered
5. Receive the Leadership Team manual and learn about it in depth
6. Learn the “hidden elements” of the meeting – WHY we do what we do
7. Bond with the other members of your Leadership Team outside the meeting
8. Learn what other local chapters are doing
9. Get good ideas about how to “energize” your meetings (i.e. meeting stimulants)
10. Get to know your Director(s)
11. Network with other BNI members
12. Hit the ground running when you take over a leadership role in the chapter
13. Learn how to handle chapter problems or complaints (skills which help in your own business also!)
14. Gain access to BNINet (BNI’s database system)
15. Gain access to the Leadership Only section.
16. Get a nifty Leadership Team ribbon for your name badge!
17. Help your chapter grow and prosper
18. Get updates on the organization and changes to the manual
19. Share your knowledge and experience (especially LT members who’ve attended before)
20. Have fun!
21. Cross-train people on the different positions
22. Make sure your plane has a pilot!

Here are some articles on BNI Leadership Team trainings:

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Open Networking? What's that?

It isn't net-sit or net-eat - it's net-WORK: So spend some time getting to know the people you are networking with each week. Here are some great questions to make your open networking education and a lot more fun.

1. Who are your three best clients?

2. What is the most common misconception about your business?

3. What is your favorite part of your profession?

4. Do you have children, and if so how many? What are their ages and interests?

5. How did you find out about BNI and why did you decide to join?

6. Do you have any hobbies, interests, or sports you are involved in?

7. Are you a member of a professional association? If so, which one? What does it mean to you to be a member and what has it done for you?

8. What is the one job or client that sticks out in your mind and why?

9. How did your past experiences lead you to the profession you are in today?

10. If you had to start all over again, what would you do differently in your career?

Try using these the next few times you network - add them to your conversational repertoire - and if you really want to increase your effectiveness - create a profile of your referral sources and add the answers to these questions so you can better remember their details.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Room Full of Referrals - 2/15/2012

If you want to have more fun networking this year, be a lot more effective, help a lot more people, and get better results - this is the best program to participate in. The program is $79, and $59 if you register by Friday, February 10th.

Wednesday, February 15th:

9am - Noon: Referral Institute Ithaca's Room Full of Referrals:

Participants will all get to do a self-assessment on their own behavior style, followed by an interactive workshop where they will first learn how to identify the other behavior styles, better know their own dominant style, and then learn to adapt to be supportive and to honor the relationships of the other three styles.

International Networking Week - Ithaca

The goal of International Networking Week® is to celebrate the key role that networking plays in the development and success of businesses across the world.  Simultaneous events will be held globally to celebrate International Networking Week.

International Networking Week® is an initiative of BNI®.

The purpose of International Networking Week® is to raise the profile of networking in the wider community, recognizing it as an essential tool for success in today’s business climate.

This week in Ithaca:
Tuesday, February 7th
7:15am - BNI Ithaca Thumbs Up Chapter,

Noon to 1:30pm - 2012 Economic Summit, Lake Watch Inn,

4:30pm - 6pm - Finger Lakes Entrepreneurs Forum (FLEF) - Gimme Coffee Roasting Facility, RSVP and details:

Wednesday, February 8th
1pm - 2pm - 'Help! My Logo Sucks' webinar by Certified Networker Program graduate Julia Reich of Julia Reich Design. and

5pm-7pm - Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours at the Finger Lakes Wine Center,

Thursday, February 9th
7:30am - BNI Cayuga Lake Connections Chapter,

8:00am - BNI Summit Chapter,

5:30pm - 8pm - The SEEN Presents - Local Investing for Community Wealth - Sponsored by Certified Networker Greg Pitts of Natural Investments, and Greg Pitts' website:

Friday, February 10th
6pm - 10pm - Grand Opening and Open House of Studio West (516 W. State Street / 516 MLK, Ithaca, NY) - Hosted by Certified Networkers Danielle Klock, Greg Kops, and Scott Hamilton!
6:30pm - Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting at Studio West (516 W. State Street / 516 MLK, Ithaca, NY) -

Wednesday, February 15th:
9am - Noon: Referral Institute Ithaca's Room Full of Referrals:

Participants will all get to do a self-assessment on their own behavior style, followed by an interactive workshop where they will first learn how to identify the other behavior styles, better know their own dominant style, and then learn to adapt to be supportive and to honor the relationships of the other three styles.
If you want to have more fun networking this year, be a lot more effective, help a lot more people, and get better results - this is the best program to participate in. The program is $79, and $59 if you register by Friday, February 10th.

Welcome Natasha!

Arjan and I welcomed Natasha Rose Makar on Thursday, February 2nd, at 11:04pm EST. She was 8 lbs., 10 oz. and 19 3/4 inches long. Mom and Natasha are doing great.
We are VERY excited to welcome her to our community and thank you for your support this year.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chamber Key Person Award

On Thursday evening, January 26th the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce honored me by naming me the Key Person of the year. This is a thank you award presented by the Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Chamber President.

Here's what the plaque shows:

Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
Key Person of the Year
Presented to
David Makar
The Referral Institute of Ithaca

This award is presented to David Makar in recognition of your leadership of the Ambassadors Council, and exemplary networking skills, which have brought many new members to the Chamber, and have helped many Chamber members achieve success in their enterprises.

Presented by the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
January 26, 2012

It is truly and honor to be recognized in my community and they allowed me to say a few words on Thursday evening at the chamber's annual dinner and meeting (in front of about 300 people). 

I asked participants and graduates of the Certified Networker Program to join me on stage to accept the award with me. Their support and success allowed me to give my time and energy to helping the Chamber. I was honored to have them on stage with me. Thank you to Ross Feldman (Wholistic Wealth), Greg Kops (Think Topography), Scott Hamilton (The SEEN / Green Resource Hub / Sustainable Tompkins), Ewan Barr (Mathnasium of Ithaca), Kathy Nelson (K. Nelson Research), and Dale Johnson (Hospicare) for joining me on stage.

My desire to help the chamber in 2011 was truly rooted in knowing that Rob LaHood (Membership and Events Director), Jean McPheeters (President of the Chamber), and Cathy Haupert (the 2011 Chair of the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce) make it so easy to want to give back to the chamber. Their efforts and belief in the community - both for profits and non-profits - helped me want to volunteer and give back.

I also want to thank David Hall and Mary Beth Bunge who were very supportive in their board roles with the small business council and the membership committee. Their leadership made a big difference in getting me out of my office cave this year to help a lot more people.

The membership drive team that was Dan Governanti (Kendal at Ithaca) and Ron Provus (Ithaca Rotary and the Country Club of Ithaca) and myself also made a major contribution to introducing the chamber to a whole new group of business owners and organizations. Working with Dan and Ron opened my eyes to a whole different way to speak about the values and benefits of the chamber.

My desire to serve was strongly rooted in my parents life long service to their community. My dad joined the Lions Club of Berlin Massachusetts in October of 1976 - the same month I was born. His continued giving and service helped me to want to do my best to do the same.

We have a philosophy in the Referral Institute. The philosophy is Givers Gain. It is part of the mindset of successful referral marketing. It is this philosophy that helped me want and be so dedicated to the chamber.

I know the 2012 Key Person of the Year is out there living and working and participating in the chamber. I look forward to seeing you be successful in your networking and giving activities. See you at the next business after hours, networking at noon, chamber committee, or chamber workshop!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tompkins Chamber 2012

There are a bunch of great Chamber Events coming up this month!

Business After Hours: Found (227 Cherry St., Ithaca); January 11th, 5pm-7pm (Wednesday)

Networking @ Noon: Joe's Restaurant (602 W. Buffalo St., Ithaca): January 19th, Noon-1:30pm (Thursday)

Chamber Annual Dinner: Emerson Suites at Ithaca College (Danby Rd./Rt. 96B): January 26th, 5:30pm - 9pm (Thursday)

Details: or 607-273-7080