Sunday, August 21, 2011

Linked In - August 2011

I wrote this post originally in March 2010, just a little while after I started the Referral Institute. This morning a very pleasant person asked me to connect on Linked In. We have 37 Linked In people in common, but they couldn't find the time to ask any of them to introduce us to each other. I checked out their Facebook Profile - we have 97 friends in common, but again they didn't have the time to ask one of them to connect us. As I looked a little deeper, I found out they had over 4000 facebook 'friends' and over 500 Linked In connections.

Here's what I wrote about Linked In in 2010, "My company - the Referral Institute of Ithaca - helps business owners work less, play more, and make more by helping them create referrals for life. Linking to hundreds of strangers and reading their updates - well that doesn't sound like working less - so I'll probably skip that activity."

I'd love to get connected with you on Linked In - to see the guidelines I follow, continue reading.

Here are my few rules for Linked In:
1. I have to have met you in person. I have to know you are real and that you aren't an avatar representation of someone else (or some corporation).

2. I have to be willing to help you. It would be nice if you were willing to help me too. I like to use Linked In to see how I can help people. If I don't feel comfortable helping you (with information, support, tips, leads, or referrals), then we probably won't have a useful linked-in relationship.

3. I have to have visibility with you. Do I know your first name, your last name, your business name, and your profession? Do you know my profession and business name? Until we have a visibility relationship, in real life, we don't have much of a connection online either. I don't make connections - real or virtual - if there's nothing behind the connection.

4. Do you have 10 connections? I don't ask to be Linked-In to someone that has less that 10 connections. For whatever reason they don't want to use Linked-In, they don't understand the value, they don't want to use online networking, they don't have the time, they don't like to ask people that they know in real life to be connected - - for whatever reason they have less than 10 connections - - we probably wouldn't be able to help each other through Linked-In anyways.

5. Making the first move. If someone asks to Link to me and they follow guidelines 1, 2, and 3 - - then I'll more than likely link to them. (I only use rule 4 when I'm interested in making the first move - usually because we met somewhere in person and I'm interested in getting linked.)

6. Members Together: If we are a member of an organization or hobby group that has a good chance of us meeting in person as some point in the future - I might link to you so we can get to know each other better in advance of a real life meeting. It is unlikely that I would refer anyone to you or ask you for help until we meet in person. That's just the way I am.

7. I don't use connections as a scorecard to measure my life worth. As I tell all of my clients - I'd rather have 10 strong relationships with people I trusted, than 100 weak relationships with people I didn't know.

How do you decide who to link to on Linked-In? Do you accept all invitations? Do you connect with people you don't know, haven't met, don't trust, don't want to help, or have nothing in common?

My company - the Referral Institute of Ithaca - helps business owners work less, play more, and make more by helping them create referrals for life. Linking to hundreds of strangers and reading their updates - well that doesn't sound like working less - so I'll probably skip that activity. For other activities and solutions about working less, making more, and creating Referrals for Life - - check out one of my upcoming Referral Success 101 classes.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Online Software Love - Most of it I do not care for, however, is different.

As a Referral Marketing Consultant, I know that every good business should be tracking their results. Before I started with the Referral Institute - I knew where money making business was coming from, but not which activities were making a difference. Maybe in my head, but not with any planning or accuracy.

I am going to tell you what we all know from Business 101 (and one of my best clients): 'What gets measured gets done' and you need more than a mental sense of what is going on in your business. You need visual confirmation as a base to your analysis. combines contact management with referral tracking. It includes a way to track networking activities and detailed company and personal information. It also allows for tracking of real business data including revenues and tiers of referrals. I use it every day and it has completely shifted the way I do business.

When you are ready to take your referral marketing to the next level - try out

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