Monday, August 15, 2011


Online Software Love - Most of it I do not care for, however, is different.

As a Referral Marketing Consultant, I know that every good business should be tracking their results. Before I started with the Referral Institute - I knew where money making business was coming from, but not which activities were making a difference. Maybe in my head, but not with any planning or accuracy.

I am going to tell you what we all know from Business 101 (and one of my best clients): 'What gets measured gets done' and you need more than a mental sense of what is going on in your business. You need visual confirmation as a base to your analysis. combines contact management with referral tracking. It includes a way to track networking activities and detailed company and personal information. It also allows for tracking of real business data including revenues and tiers of referrals. I use it every day and it has completely shifted the way I do business.

When you are ready to take your referral marketing to the next level - try out

Receive a 50% discount on your subscription at when you use this referral code: RI-Ithaca.

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