Referral Institute Ithaca Celebrates International Networking Week!
Monday, February 4th: Certified Networker Masters
in Ithaca, $60
A gathering of participants of the Certified Networker Program and members of the Ithaca Referrals for Life Community. Certified Networker Masters runs from 8am to 11am at the Referral Institute Ithaca offices at 2333 N. Triphammer Road, Suite 501. If you've graduated from Certified Networker or are in your year in the program, you are welcome to participate in the monthly Masters event.
Details, Pricing and Registration:
Tuesday, February 5th: Marketing Your Business with Word-of-Mouth
at Cayuga Community College in Auburn, New York, $79
Wednesday, February 6th:
International Networking Week Party!
6pm - 8pm, Free!
Corks and More (708 West Buffalo Street, Ithaca)
Celebrate and network at Ithaca's First International Networking Week® party! The goal of International Networking Week® is to celebrate the key role that networking plays in the development and success of businesses across the world. Simultaneous events will be held globally to celebrate International Networking Week®. Come and meet members of Ithaca area BNI Chapters, The Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, The SEEN, Tompkins Connect, Rotary Clubs, and many other Ithaca-Tompkins networks.
Free and open to the public!
Details and RSVP:
This event is sponsored by Referral Institute Ithaca.
Thursday, February 7th: Referral Success 101
in Ithaca, SPECIAL International Networking Week Deal: Use Coupon Code "INW" for a $60 discount off of the program price (regular price is $97).
8am to 11am
Are you getting all the referrals you want for your business?
Do you get referrals predictably and consistently or by chance?
Business owners understand the value of referrals but they don't often have control over their referral business. Referral marketing is the most effective form of marketing for businesses with limited marketing budgets. If you are willing to invest the time to learn specific referral marketing strategies, tools, and techniques you can double, even triple your sales in months without spending additional marketing dollars.
Attend a three hour class on how to make referral marketing work for your business.
If you don't have a referral marketing plan for your business, this session is a must!
You will learn how to develop a strategic referral network, who should be in it, how to find them, and how to motivate those people to refer business to you.
This class will open your eyes to the possibilities of generating more sales in less time by doing business by relationship. Unless you can find more time and work harder than you already are, you can't afford to miss this class. You will learn some specific techniques that will enable you to really work smarter, not harder.
Friday, February 8th:
The 18 Tactics to Motivate Your Network
Special INW Price: $99
Details here:
Use coupon code: "INW" for the $150 Discount
Special Pre-International Networking Week Program:
Green Drinks at Northstar!
Wednesday, January 30th, 7-9pm
Free and open to the public
Special Post-International Networking Week Programs:
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce: Member Orientation
Monday, February 11th, 9am - 10:30am
Meet other chamber members, chamber staff, board members, and learn a lot more about the Chamber of Commerce. This program is free and open to any member of the Tompkins County Chamber.
At the Chamber Office (904 East Shore Drive)
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce: Business After Hours
Wednesday, February 13th, 5pm-7pm
Franziska Racker Center
3226 Wilkins Road, Ithaca, NY
I hope you can join me for some of these great networking and learning events! See you at International Networking Week!
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