Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 1: Your year in photos

We received a new digital camera (Canon EOS Rebel T3) for Christmas last December 25th. As of this morning (December 2nd), I've taken (with the help of Arjan, and a few others) over 8400 photos this year. There isn't an easy way to sum up and entire year that included the birth of Natasha (February 2nd) all the way through her turning 10 months old (today); as well as the amazing growth of my business and the students and participants in my business. To quickly try to get it all - here are two photos from Certified Networker graduation events. These were almost bookends to the year with on on January 5th and one on October 18th. In between are two photos from a local photographer (Dede Hatch) of Arjan, Natasha, and me. The three of us in one photo is rare. So that's the year (and 1 month to go!).

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