Monday, December 2, 2013

Networking Attitude: Change Your Mindset at an Event to See Quicker Results

Throughout your year of attending networking events you may be attending dozens if not even hundreds of events. There is one simple mind set shift that will impact all of your results – almost immediately.

This mindset shift is in to take off your “I’m a Guest” invisible hat and put on your “I’m a Host” invisible hat.

When I first started to attend networking events I would arrive casually late – to make an entrance. Except that by the time I got there, everyone had already partnered up in conversation and no one looked up to see that I had arrived.

Then I would wander the perimeter and hope someone would come and talk to me. I would note the locations of the exits and food and just in case – the locations of the restrooms too.

Then I would spot someone that I thought I should talk to and I would just go up and just stand next to them. I was definitely in their line of site. They would be deep in conversation and I patiently would wait for my turn. What happened most often was that instead of turning to me, they turned the other way and were approached by another of their own acquaintances and I was left in line.

Finally, having talked to no one I would find a way to excuse myself from the host and even sneak past the registration table, so they wouldn't know that I had departed.

In 2006 I read Dr. Ivan Misner’s book “The World’s Best Known Marketing Secret” and I started to change my behavior. His most simple tactic when attending networking events is “Act Like a Host, not a Guest”.

What does a host do when they are hosting their own event? Let me make a list:
Greet people at the door
Make sure people register and get a name tag
Introduce people to each other
Ask people how they heard about the event
Ask people who they would like to meet
Direct people to the food, restrooms, drinks, display tables
Make formal and informal introductions
Listen and ask great questions

My big ah ha moment came when I realized that every attendee at a networking event can do any or all of these activities. As I started to do these myself I found people thought of me as more outgoing, more helpful, and better connected than the average networker.

Still to this day I will ask myself at an event, “What would the host be doing right now?” and then I go and do those things to help other people.

As you join organizations, you’ll find that some even have specific ‘visitor host’ or ‘ambassador’ roles for members to act like a host in a more official capacity. Ask for those assignments and even if you don’t get them right away – you can still act like you did with this brand new networking attitude.
David Makar is a Referral Marketing Consultant with the Referral Institute Ithaca. He helps business owners work less, make more, and play more by helping them create Referrals for Life®.

The Referral Institute Ithaca is a company region of the Referral Institute, the world’s leading referral marketing consulting, training, and coaching organization. For more information about the Referral Institute Ithaca, visit:

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dec. 1: Photo of the Year

In June Natasha and I attended the BNI Thumbs Up Chapter summer picnic together. It wasn't her first networking event. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun in the park networking together. She's also attended SEEN events and Chamber of Commerce events. I think this event - with a lot of people I've known for 3 or 4 or 5 years was the best one we've been to together.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why you should read it again...

I'm on vacation this week and I'm catching up on my reading list. The first book on my list is Seth Godin's 2008 book "Tribes". My good friend Virginia who runs the Referral Institute in St. Louis recommended the book last summer. I immediately bought a copy and read about a third of it. The concept of Tribes was intriguing and a little confusing in the manner that Godin described. I didn't get it and I put in on the shelf.

In August of 2012 I relocated my office and the book came with me. It moved down a few shelves to the place that books go when I haven't read them and I don't want to show off that I have them - just in case someone asks me about the book.

In connecting with Virginia at our January conference and in working with her on creating "Capture the Net-Worth of Your Network" she reawakened me to the concept of Tribes. She showed me and introduced me to members of her own tribe and she described how her Referral Institute clients were creating tribes of their own. Having spent that time with this great teacher and having these experiences - the concepts of Seth Godin's book had new meaning.

Yesterday, on my flights from New York to Florida, I started the book from page 1. I'm nearly 3/4 of the way through and I've been making notes and I've already started to implement some of the new ideas for creating tribes within my own business. The book hasn't changed - I've changed.

Sometimes prospects for the Referral Institute Ithaca say to me, "I've already taken that course" or "I learned some of that information once before". I now know they feel and now I'd tell them - the material is the same - but you've had a world of experiences since the last time you participated and the message and results will be much different for you now.

Read it again; Watch it again; Listen to it again; Enroll again; Participate actively again; for you are a different person than you were last time and that will make all the difference.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Capture the Net-Worth of Your Network

Capture the Net-Worth of your Net-Work!

A special webinar workshop to help you get the most of your network

If you don’t have a referral marketing plan for your business, this session is a must!

You will learn how to develop a strategic referral network, who should be in it, how to find them, and how to motivate those people to refer business to you

This class will open your eyes to the possibilities of generating more sales in less time by doing business by relationship. Unless you can find more time and work harder than you already are, you can’t afford to miss this class. You will learn some specific techniques that will enable you to really work smarter, not harder.

Webinar Dates and Times:
March 4th: 11:30am to 1:30pm EST
March 11th: 11:30am to 1:30pm EST

All web-based, all you need is a telephone and a computer with an internet connection.

We will follow-up with these two webinars with four group coaching calls included in the fee. You will have a total of 8 hours with two referral marketing experts for just $297.

To Register, go to this page, and click the Register Now button.

All for just $297.

This program is limited to 30 participants, please register today:

Do You Want to Learn How to Communicate with Anybody?

If you want to have more fun networking this year, be a lot more effective, help a lot more people, and get better results - this is the best program to participate in. The program is $99, and $79 if you register by Thursday, February 28th, 2013.

Tuesday, March 5th:
1pm - 5pm
Referral Institute Ithaca's Room Full of Referrals:

Participants will all get to do a self-assessment on their own behavior style, followed by an interactive workshop where they will first learn how to identify the other behavior styles, better know their own dominant style, and then learn to adapt to be supportive and to honor the relationships of the other three styles.

Upcoming Certified Networker Modules - March 2013

The Referral Institute Ithaca is on winter break until March 1st. Our upcoming Certified Networker Programs for March are available as part of the Certified Networker Program; as part of the Referrals for Life Program; or are available a la carte for just $249 each (click the Show/Hide Individual Modules link to register). All of these programs are held at our training center at 2333 N. Triphammer Road, Suite 501, Ithaca, NY.

March 7th: Module 3: The 10 Commandments of Networking a Mixer
2:30pm - 5pm
You will never find a business mixer to be a waste of time again when you learn how to effectively network at these events

March 8th: Module 11: Evaluating Your Effectiveness, "It's All My Fault"
9am - 11:30am
Developing a system for tracking your referral source and quality of referrals.

March 14th: Module 4: Making Introductions that Last
2:30pm - 5pm
Ensuring that your referral sources remember and reward you.

March 15th: Module 12: Generating Referrals for Life
9am - 11:30am
Learn how to effectively ask for referrals and reward those who give them to you.

March 21st: Module 5: Creating and Delivering an Effective Presentation
2:30pm - 5pm
Deliver your presentation with style and confidence; learn how to give an effective 10- to 12- minute presentation.

March 22nd: Module 1 (Part 1): Finding Your Starting Point
9am - 11:30am
Understand your business and reasons why customers choose you or your business over your competitors.

March 28th: Module 6: Tools and Techniques for Enhancing Your Business Image
2:30pm - 5pm
Designing and assembling an image that generates qualified referrals

March 29th: Module 1 (Part 2): Finding Your Starting Point
9am - 11:30am
Understand your business and reasons why customers choose you or your business over your competitors.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Networking: Tompkins Connect: February 2013

I just received an email from Tompkins Connect about their February events. Check them out here:

February Happy Hour 
and Networking Event
at Silky Jones on the Commons
Thursday, February 7th, 2013 5pm-7:00pm

There will be free appetizers, drink specials, a special Valentine's Day game and more...

Click here to RSVP
Let everyone else know you're coming FACEBOOK BUTTON

2nd Annual
Jump On Board Event 
at the Holiday Inn Ballroom

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 5:30pm - 8:00pm

Want to make an impact in our community? 
The Jump On Board event showcases organizations in need of volunteers and board members. Please join us to learn more about these amazing opportunities. This event is free and open to the public. 

However, we ask that you RSVP. Click here

To see a list of attending organizations and 
let everyone else know you'll be attending:  


Membership Survey

Please help us make Tompkins Connect a better organization by offering a few comments in our super short survey

Monday, January 28, 2013

International Networking Week in Ithaca - 2013

Referral Institute Ithaca Celebrates International Networking Week!

Monday, February 4th: Certified Networker Masters
in Ithaca, $60
A gathering of participants of the Certified Networker Program and members of the Ithaca Referrals for Life Community. Certified Networker Masters runs from 8am to 11am at the Referral Institute Ithaca offices at 2333 N. Triphammer Road, Suite 501. If you've graduated from Certified Networker or are in your year in the program, you are welcome to participate in the monthly Masters event.
Details, Pricing and Registration:

Tuesday, February 5th: Marketing Your Business with Word-of-Mouth
at Cayuga Community College in Auburn, New York, $79
This is a workshop for business owners, entrepreneurs, sales people, and non-profit board members and staff members. Do you have responsibility for finding and cultivating new prospects, clients, patients, customers, supporters, or donors? This workshop will open your eyes to the dozens of things you can do to be successful at growing your business by referral. Do you need structure to turn your networking activities into fun and results-oriented investments of your time? Do you want to serve more people? This is the class for you.

Wednesday, February 6th:
International Networking Week Party!
6pm - 8pm, Free!
Corks and More (708 West Buffalo Street, Ithaca)

Celebrate and network at Ithaca's First International Networking Week® party! The goal of International Networking Week® is to celebrate the key role that networking plays in the development and success of businesses across the world. Simultaneous events will be held globally to celebrate International Networking Week®. Come and meet members of Ithaca area BNI Chapters, The Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce, The SEEN, Tompkins Connect, Rotary Clubs, and many other Ithaca-Tompkins networks.

Free and open to the public!
Details and RSVP:
This event is sponsored by Referral Institute Ithaca.

Thursday, February 7th: Referral Success 101
in Ithaca, SPECIAL International Networking Week Deal: Use Coupon Code "INW" for a $60 discount off of the program price (regular price is $97).
8am to 11am

Are you getting all the referrals you want for your business?

Do you get referrals predictably and consistently or by chance?

Business owners understand the value of referrals but they don't often have control over their referral business. Referral marketing is the most effective form of marketing for businesses with limited marketing budgets. If you are willing to invest the time to learn specific referral marketing strategies, tools, and techniques you can double, even triple your sales in months without spending additional marketing dollars.
Attend a three hour class on how to make referral marketing work for your business.
If you don't have a referral marketing plan for your business, this session is a must!
You will learn how to develop a strategic referral network, who should be in it, how to find them, and how to motivate those people to refer business to you.
This class will open your eyes to the possibilities of generating more sales in less time by doing business by relationship. Unless you can find more time and work harder than you already are, you can't afford to miss this class. You will learn some specific techniques that will enable you to really work smarter, not harder.

Friday, February 8th:

The 18 Tactics to Motivate Your Network
Special INW Price: $99 

Special Pre-International Networking Week Program:
Green Drinks at Northstar!
Wednesday, January 30th, 7-9pm
Free and open to the public

Special Post-International Networking Week Programs:
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce: Member Orientation
Monday, February 11th, 9am - 10:30am
Meet other chamber members, chamber staff, board members, and learn a lot more about the Chamber of Commerce. This program is free and open to any member of the Tompkins County Chamber.
At the Chamber Office (904 East Shore Drive)

Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce: Business After Hours
Wednesday, February 13th, 5pm-7pm
Franziska Racker Center
3226 Wilkins Road, Ithaca, NY

I hope you can join me for some of these great networking and learning events! See you at International Networking Week!